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Meet The Exceptional Entrepreneur

Mohamed Gento Kamara

He is a Sierra Leonean citizen, entrepreneur and philanthropist.

Social Impact
Client Totals


A Passionate Business Mogul

He is the founder and owner of the Gento Group of Companies, a highly valued road construction firm with assets worth over $150,000,000. He is also providing regular support and sponsorship to several charities and non-governmental initiatives.

As a passionate and seasoned philanthropist, Gento has empowered more than 3000 young people and women by supporting them in various skilled and unskilled entrepreneurial endeavors. 

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”


What He Does


While offering premuim management services, he also provides consultation services to brands

Business Administration

He proves intriguing in business administration and business systems

Corporate Finance

Serving as a global business expert, Gento has track records of finance management

Business Management

Managerial duties in the business world is one of his most expressive fields


He serves as a good concept developer in the field of building global attention in business



Consequently, on March 15th, 2023, during International Women’s Day Week, Gento was recognised and honoured at the House of Lords in England by Wintrade Global, for his outstanding contributions to women empowerment, employment and micro-credit programs. He  also serve as a keynote speaker at the Wintrade Conference hosted by the London Stock Exchange, England.

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Book for Consultation

+62 123 456 789


A Business and Entreprenuership Enthusiast

In the late 1990s, Gento’s enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and business earned him a mobile dealership with One-2-One and Orange Mobile Networks in London. During that time, he built successful business ventures, including mobile retail shops at Henhill, New Cross-Gates, and West Norwood, all in South London. He also ventured into real estate whilst in London before returning to Sierra Leone.

Honoured at the House of Lords in England by
Wintrade Global

Outstanding contributions to women empowerment,
employment and micro-credit programs.

Answered Questions

Gento Has Provided Answers to Questions, and Here are a few

Success is often achieved by setting clear and specific goals and developing a plan to achieve them. This helps to provide focus and direction, and allows progress to be measured. There are several principles of success that are commonly recognized as being key to achieving personal and professional goals. Here are a few: Goal setting, Hard work, Positive attitude, Continuous learning, Networking, Focus, Adaptability, Taking action

Businesses strive by continuously improving their operations, products, and services, and by adapting to changes in the market and customer preferences. To be successful, a business must have a clear mission and goals, a well-defined target market, and a competitive advantage that sets it apart from its competitors.

The future of brands will be shaped by several key trends and changes in consumer behavior, technology, and societal values.

Expert Coach Support

Gento's coaching sessions has built individuals and brands with remarkable values over the years

Business Consultant

Building a profitable brand requires decipline and excellence, Gento instills this in business as a consultant

Educational Support

Gento is known for his simple and austere lifestyle